Strengths and Career change coaching for people who want to be happy in their work - and in their life.
You're here because you're ready to make a big change in your career.
You want to be happy and fulfilled in your work and in your life.
No more of the corporate BS and toxic culture that's left you exhausted.
It's time to put you first. Doing good work that enables you to use your strengths and stay true to your values.
Work that makes you happy!
But you're unsure where, or how, to start. Maybe you don't believe you can make the change.
You're in the right place - together we'll get you there.
Get in touch and we'll work out how.
Hi! I'm Karen, your strengths and career change coach.
I enable people like you to really understand what motivates and energises you. So then you can successfully make the changes you want, whether in your career or your life.
Maybe you're sick of the corporate BS and toxic culture that's been draining you of energy.
Maybe you're in your 40s or 50s and can afford to do something about that niggle you've had for years - that one that kept asking you: 'Am I doing what I really want to do?'
Maybe after redundancy you don't know where to start and need to regain your confidence.
My strengths & career change coaching will give you confidence to make the change, with lots of practical tools you can apply straight away to achieve the change you want.
Your first step towards being happy in your work and in your life is understanding what makes you feel good about yourself.
When you really understand your strengths, your values and what matters to you, you know what work you want to do, and you have a guide for life.
Strengths coaching can benefit you in all areas of your life including career development, self-development, personal relationships, and overall well-being.
The benefits of strengths coaching include:
Increased self-awareness: Strengths coaching helps you better understand what you're great at and what that means for you and your career.
Improved performance: When you focus on your strengths (rather than weaknesses) you're more likely to achieve your goals.
Greater motivation: Strengths coaching can help you tap into your intrinsic motivation, which is the desire to do something because you enjoy it.
Increased happiness and well-being: When you use your strengths you're more likely to feel happy, fulfilled, and satisfied with your work and your life.
How my Strengths & Career change coaching can help you.
Do you feel bored? Disengaged? Undervalued?
Do you feel a need to get away from where you are and DO SOMETHING DIFFERENT?
Chances are you're not using your strengths and / or not working or living in alignment with your values and what matters to you.
This can have a serious effect on you over time, leading to stress and even Burnout (I know, I've been there and so have many of my clients).
This is why my career change programmes include Strengths coaching
Here are three typical client scenarios
I'm only 55 and not ready to retire yet.
But I'm tired of corporate BS. I can't face more of it.
It's draining the life from me and that means I'm not happy in my personal life either.
I want to do something more meaningful. But I've lost my confidence.
I want to do something I enjoy, with meaning and purpose.
I have no idea what that is, or how to figure it out!
I have a good career. I've worked hard for promotions and I'm good at what I do.
But it's not good for me.
Redundancy on top of some life experiences has knocked my self-belief.
Now, I've lost my confidence. I've lost my enthusiasm. I'm constantly questioning what I'm doing, and my decisions.
I need to regain my confidence and my belief in myself.
When you really understand your strengths you know what gives you energy and which strengths to call on to manage different situations.
When you're clear about your values and what really matters to you, you're able to set and maintain your boundaries.
With this insight you'll know what you want to do and how you want to do it.
You'll feel confident, happy and fulfilled in your career and in your life.
Explore your strengths and values with my free download: How to be authentically you
What my clients say after working with me...
After deciding to take a break and re-evaluate my career direction I connected with Karen to identify the right path for me.
Karen helped me to really understand what my strengths are, why I had been feeling demotivated and where to focus my attention to find my place in the world again.
It was an incredibly enlightening experience that reignited my passion and completely transformed my approach to finding not just a job but a satisfying role with meaning and purpose.
Within a short space of time I've seen incredible results, personally and professionally.
I honestly can't praise Karen enough. She has been incredibly kind, professional, honest and direct, and it has been an absolute pleasure to work with her.
Kevin Martin
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